Friday, January 6, 2012

Only the Innocent [Kindle Edition]

Only the Innocent [Kindle Edition]

A #1 Kindle Best Seller in Thrillers, Crime, Mystery and Suspense
When Laura Fletcher approaches her home in Oxfordshire to
find hordes of photographers crowding the gates, she knows there is something
terribly wrong. She is faced with the shocking news that her husband is dead -
brutally murdered - and according to Chief Inspector Tom Douglas, there is
little doubt that the murderer is a woman.
In a marriage that has taken her from the glamorous five
star luxury of London, Venice and Positano to a bleak and draughty manor house
in rural Oxfordshire, Laura has learned to guard her secrets well. She is not
alone. It would appear that all the women in her husband's life have
something to hide.
But there is one secret that she has never shared, and
when the investigation reaches its dramatic and horrific climax, she realises
that she has no choice. She has to give Tom Douglas the final piece of the
puzzle. And this changes everything, leaving Douglas with a terrible dilemma:
whether to punish the guilty, or protect the innocent.
ONLY THE INNOCENT is a spellbinding psychological thriller
that will leave you breathless!


"The author has it all here with darkness, abuse, degradation, drugs, sex and a murder. This is a well written novel and the plot is superb, nothing is given away to the reader. Several twists and turns. I highly recommend it."

"Excellent and intriguing start which had me hooked from the first page."

"A brilliantly written storyline that's hard to put down, I highly recommend this book and the author."

"The more I read ... the more I understood why someone would kill him, but even then the end-all reason knocked me back a few pegs. When everything was said and done I was left with the question that Abbott poses in her blurb, do you punish the guilty, or protect the innocent?"

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